Friday, October 15, 2010

Media Matters: Hate Fox News

With how twisted and poisonous our media-world has become in the U.S., I appreciate any acknowledgment of misinformation in our media, and I suspect exposing these falsehoods is the aim of many of the political blogs out there. Media Matters takes pride in "correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media," because to them, the media does matter.

In July, a 45-year-old man was caught by California police and charged with attempted murder of police officers. This article doesn't focus on that though, Tides CEO... focuses on the assassin's intentions and motivations of that day. The suspect admitted having a plan to kill "important members" of a low-profile non profit organization called Tides and the American Civil Liberties Union. Although the author, Media Matters Staff, doesn't say too much, it seems that this establishment supports the Tides CEO in his claim that Fox News' conservative, Glenn Beck-- fueled the assassin with motivation for the almost attempted murders.

Even though this article is very short and is dominated by a letter written by Tides CEO, Pike Drummond, I thought it important to critique because of what this blog stands for and how it effects readers. I feel the website is taking a stance on the issue by printing the letter written by Drummond to large companies like Geico, and JP Morgan Chase, asking them to stop their advertising with Fox News, hoping to put a stop to Glenn Beck and his power to motivate hate crimes.

I think the intended audience is very broad, but foremost it is for liberals, and those who watch news on television, and unfortunately those who for whatever reason, watch Fox News. Media Matters' primary focus is to "systematically or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible..."  yet there is no credibility behind the author of this article, it only says "staff." It does not correct any misinformation that Glenn Beck or Fox News put out there, it only suggests a way to stop Fox News, and it's is to stop them with the influence of money and power. They also completely ignore the fact that this man, Byron Williams, is insane and psychotic. To think that murder will start a "revolution" is sick, so he is obviously sick. I can't ignore the part where William's says he looked to Beck as more of a teacher than a newscaster, but is this hard and fast evidence of Beck condoning mass murder?

There may not have been much of an argument on Media Matter's side in this article, so I'll ask--what is its purpose other than adding more fuel to the fire and adding to the political polarization in our country? (Those who spend their time hating one news organization for being partial to a specific party are only adding to the problem). I don't know that money and a heart-felt letter from an organization seeking social change, fairness, and equality will give Glenn Beck a soul, or stop Fox News from producing. 

(And for the record, I do not like Glenn Beck, and I do not like Fox News, but I do love Subaru and they advertise on Fox. So what does that make me?)

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